Sponsors, Donors, and Friends of the Festival

Many thanks to all our current sponsors, donors and volunteers who make this event possible. If you get the opportunity, please support them.

2025 Festival Supporters


Blaine Banner Bank
Propack, Inc

The Whatcom Law Group
Friends of Birch Bay State Park

2025 Friends of Wings Over Water

(Financial Contribution in Bold) $1-$199

Alex Jefferes, NCAS
AMS Mailing Service
Amy Brightman* NCAS
Birch Bay Chamber
Blanche Burch,* NCAS
Carroll Solomon *
Chuckanut Bay Foods
Chuck Kinzer *
Chris Brewer, NCAS
Dave Foreman
David Drummond, NCAS
Eric Ellingson
Ethel Stephens *
GLM Winery
Heidi Holmes
Joe Meche

Josiah Chase
Marcia Kolinski, NCAS
Matt Vann
Pam Borso
Pamela Jacobs, NCAS
Paul Woodcock*
Pauline Sterin, NCAS
Peace Arch City Café & Bar
Phil Calise
Sonia Hurt *
Stephen Chase, NCAS
Subway of Blaine
Terry Galvin
The C Shop
Wayne Diaz *
Wild Whatcom

* Planning Committee Members