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Birding the Berm, Guided Walk at Birch Bay
Sunday, March 20, 9 am to 11 am
Where: Meet at the Berm- Across the street from CJ’s Beach House Restaurant 7878
Birch Bay Drive: Please respect customer parking in front of CJ’s and use parking spaces provided across the street, along the berm.
Cost: Free*
Space is limited. Reservations are recommended and can be made online.

Over many winters, high tides and wind wreaked havoc along the shoreline of Birch Bay. In the process sensitive shorelines were being eroded and part of Birch Bay Drive was even washed away. A berm was built to prevent damage and to protect the most vulnerable part of the bay front. The berm also created a 1.5 mile walking trail providing a great location to enjoy bird watching along the waterfront. Join Joe Meche, for a Sunday morning stroll along the new Birch Bay Berm to the mouth of Terrell Creek and back to the starting point at CJ’s.


Sponsored by Dave Hiller, ExP Realtor

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